Curriculum Vitae


My research explores the diversity of deep-sea molluscs, their geographical connectivity, and behavioral ecology as a path to understanding both the biological interactions and abiotic pressures of the deep ocean. I work on topics that are not only of scientific interest, but those that can be easily shared with the broader community to inspire an appreciation for the natural world and a desire to keep it thriving.



Research Associate

Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute & Monterey Bay Aquarium


Research Collaborator  Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History

Research Collaborator  Deep Pelagic Nekton Dynamics of the Gulf of Mexico (DEEPEND) consortium



Postdoctoral Fellow

Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute & Monterey Bay Aquarium

Advisor: Dr. Bruce Robison, Senior Scientist, Midwater Ecology Lab


Postdoctoral Fellow

Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History

Advisor: Dr. Karen Osborn, Curator of Invertebrate Zoology


Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Biological Sciences, University of Rhode Island

Advisor: Dr. Brad Seibel, Professor of Biological Sciences



2004-2009, Ph. D. in Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA

Deep-sea squid defensive behaviors: ink release, body patterning, and arm autotomy

Major Advisor: Dr. Roy L. Caldwell, Professor of Integrative Biology

Field-site: MBARI/Monterey Bay Submarine Canyon, CA

On-site Advisor: Dr. Bruce Robison, Senior Scientist, MBARI


2002-2003, Three Seas Program, Northeastern University, Boston, MA

Intensive marine biology field- and course-work at 3 locations: The Marine Science Center, Nahant, Massachusetts; Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory, Discovery Bay, Jamaica; and Friday Harbor Laboratories, San Juan Island, Washington


1998-2002, B. S. in Biology, Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, IL Magna Cum Laude, May 2002


2000-2001, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, Australia

Study abroad concentrating on marine biology, animal behavior, and statistics coursework



Burridge, A.K., Hörnlein, C., Janssen, A. W., Hughes, M., Bush, S. L., Martétaz, F., Gasca, R., Pierrot-Bults, A. C., Michel, E., Todd, J. A., Young, J.R., Osborn, K. J., Menken, S. B. J., and K.T.C.A. Peijnenburg. In press. Time-calibrated molecular phylogeny of pteropods. PLoSONE.

Hoving, H.J.T., Zeidberg, L.D., Benfield, M.C., Bush, S.L., Robison, B.H., & M. Vecchione. 2013. First in situ observations of the deep-sea squid Grimalditeuthis bonplandi reveal unique use of tentacles. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 280:20131463

Bush, S.L. 2012. Economy of arm autotomy in the mesopelagic squid Octopoteuthis deletron Young 1972. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 458: 133-140.

Bush, S.L., Hoving, H.J.T., Huffard, C.L., Robison, B.R., & L.D. Zeidberg. 2012. Brooding and sperm storage by the deep-sea squid Bathyteuthis berryi (Cephalopoda: Decapodiformes). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 92(7):1629-1636.

Hoving, H.J.T., Bush, S.L., & B.H. Robison. 2012. A shot in the dark: Same-sex sexual behavior in a deep-sea squid. Biology Letters. 8(2): 287-290.

Sherlock, R.E., Reisenbichler, K.R., Bush, S.L., Osborn, K.J., & B.H. Robison. 2010. Near-field zooplankton and ice-face biota of free-drifting Antarctic icebergs. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 58: 1457-1468.

Bush, S.L., Robison, B.H., & R.L. Caldwell. 2009. Behaving in the dark: locomotor, chromatic, postural and bioluminescent behaviors of the deep-sea squid Octopoteuthis deletron Young 1972. Biol. Bull. 216:7-22.

Bush, S.L. & B.H. Robison. 2007. Ink utilization by mesopelagic squid. Marine Biology. 152(3):485-494.

LaJeunesse, T.C., Lee, S., Bush, S.L., & J.F. Bruno. 2004. Persistence of non-Caribbean algal symbionts in Indo-Pacific mushroom corals released to Jamaica 35 years ago. Coral Reefs. 24(1):157-159.

Bush, S.L., Precht, W.L., Woodley, J.D., & J.F. Bruno. 2004. Indo-Pacific mushroom corals found on Jamaican reefs. Coral Reefs. 23(2):234.



Bush, S.L., Wirshing, H.W., Robison, B.H. & K.J. Osborn. Population connectivity in an open ocean taxa, the Pteropoda (Mollusca: Gastropoda).

Hoving, H.J.T., Bush, S.L., Haddock, S.H.D. & B.H. Robison. Bathyal feasting: spawned squid as a source of organic carbon for deep-sea benthic communities.

Bush, S.L., Walz, K., Bolstad, K., Lindgren, A., Hoving., H.J.T., Strugnell, J., Allcock, L., & B.H. Robison. Vampyroteuthis infernalis: Two populations, one species

Bush, S.L., Grasse, B., Payne, C., Bitondo, A. & Paul Clarkson. Opisthoteuthis adorabilis sp. nov. (Octopoda: Cirrata: Opisthoteuthidae), a new species of cirrate octopus in the Eastern North Pacific.

Choy, C.A., Bush, S.L., Hoving, H.J.T., Sherlock, R, Reisenbichler, K., and B. H. Robison. Trophic ecology of Japetella diaphana, a circumglobal pelagic octopod

Bush, S. L. & B.A. Seibel. Metabolic strategies of the oxygen minimum zone-associated, vertically migrating squid Pterygioteuthis hoylei



Pteropods: Swimming Snails of the Sea*

MBARI YouTube video, to be posted the week of Nov 8th, 2015


Naomi’s Nightmares in Nature*

BBC Children’s Show, episode showing that deep-sea animals aren’t as creepy as they seem


Children’s Book on Opisthoteuthis ‘adorabilis’*

Co-author Marisa Polanksy, Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group



You’re not hallucinating. That’s just squid skin

KQED Deep Look video, advisor


Isn’t this octopus adorabilis?

Science Friday video, part of Cephalopod Week 2015


Aquarium Exhibit Opens Door for Octopus Naming

NPR KAZU article with audio      


What is a pteropod?

Scientist Is In, Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History


The Deep Open Ocean

Congressional Night, Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History


Pelagic parenting: A deep-sea squid broods its eggs

MBARI YouTube Video,


Grimalditeuthis bonplandi: A deep-sea squid with tentacle tips that “swim” on their own

MBARI YouTube video,


Octopoteuthis deletron attack defense

MBARI YouTube video,


Octopoteuthis deletron arm tips flashing

MBARI YouTube video,


Science Fair Judge, Marshall High School, Falls Church, VA


Author, Dumbo octopus chapter, World Book Encyclopedia


Instructor, Kayaking & Snorkeling, Young Women in Science, Monterey Bay Aquarium, CA


Squid Science: Field Notes from Stephanie Bush, author

University of California Museum of Paleontology


Science Fair Judge, The Aptos Academy, Aptos, CA


Workshop Leader, 9th Annual University of California, Santa Cruz Expanding Your Horizons

Conference in Science, Math and Engineering for 9th- 12th grade girls



Course Designer and Instructor - Cephalopods: Magicians of the Sea

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, California State University, Monterey Bay, 2015

Course Designer and Instructor - Tropical Islands: How Did Paradise Become…Paradise?

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, California State University, Monterey Bay, 2010

Course Designer and Instructor - Natural History & Human Interactions of Monterey Bay

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, California State University, Monterey Bay, 2009

Course Designer and Instructor - The Deep Sea

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, California State University, Monterey Bay, 2008



Re: Opisthoteuthis “adorabilis”

KSBW Monterey, Santa Cruz Sentinel, Discover Magazine, Washington Post, Daily Mail, Mental Floss, Tree Hugger, Business Insider, RT News, etc


Re: A shot in the dark: Same-sex sexual behavior in a deep-sea squid

MBARI press release, NY Times, BBC, Science Mag, The Guardian, Discover Magazine, Live Science, etc.


Re: Economy of autotomy in the mesopelagic squid Octopoteuthis deletron

Science Mag, Discover Magazine, Live Science, University of Rhode Island press release, Huffington Post, MSNBC, Death and Taxes, Wired UK, Daily Mail UK, Laughing Squid, Science Codex,, ABA Spain, Kopalnia Wiedzy Poland, etc.


Re: Tentacles: The Astounding Lives of Octopuses, Squids, and Cuttlefishes

Subsea World News, KSBW Monterey, KQED San Francisco, San Jose Mercury News, Monterey Herald, SFGate, Monterey County Weekly, etc.


Re: Diversity of Pteropoda

SmithsonianMag, Huffington Post



Design Your Own Deep-Sea Organism: Adaptations to Cold, Darkness and Pressure

Student Oceanography Club, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA                                     2015


The Importance of Links Between Education and Science

Monterey Bay Aquarium Board of Trustees and Leadership Council                                        2015


Finding an (octopus) needle in a (deep-sea) haystack

San Jose State University, Department of Biological Sciences                                                    2015


Fostering Links Between MBARI & MBA: Benefits to Scientific Research & Public Outreach

Day of Engineering, Science, and Technology, MBARI Board of Directors                             2014


Using integrative taxonomy to reveal hidden biodiversity in the open ocean and deep sea

Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station, Fall Lecture Series                                           2014


Squids (and other cephalopods) around Saba

Sea & Learn on Saba, Dutch Caribbean, Caribbean                                                                     2014


Tentacles: The Science Behind The Exhibit

Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Open House                                                         2014


Deep-sea cephalopods of the Monterey Bay

Staff Enrichment Program, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA                                     2014

Oh What Fun Deep-sea Squids Are!!

Student Oceanography Club, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA                                  2014


The role of arm regeneration in the behavioral ecology of a deep-sea squid

Cephalopods as Models for Tissue Regeneration, Stazione Zoologica, Naples, Italy          2013


Living with the Lights Out

National Museum of Natural History, Natural History Research Experiences interns     2013


Physiology of Deep-Sea Invertebrates: Predicting Responses to Climate Change

National Museum of Natural History, Invertebrate Zoology Lecture Series                       2012


A tale of two species: Polarization camouflage and climate change physiology in squids

Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island                                            2011


Lost limbs and flashing lights: defensive behaviors of deep-sea squids

Department of Biological Sciences, University of Rhode Island                                           2010


Behavioral Ecology of Deep-sea Squids

NOAA Ocean Explorer Teacher Enrichment Workshop, San Diego, CA                            2010


Squids Will Be Squids

Biology and Geomorphology of Tropical Islands, University of California, Berkeley     2009


Deep sea squid: What are they inking?

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Colloquium, Hartnell College     2009


Hunting and hiding in the dark: Predator-prey interactions in the deep sea

Sea Creatures Rediscovered, Pacific Grove Natural History Museum                              2009


How to survive as a squid in the deep sea

NOAA Ocean Explorer Teacher Enrichment Workshop, San Diego, CA                          2009


Deep sea research: Understanding animal adaptations

California State University, Channel Islands, Resource Management Course               2008


Arm autotomy in a mesopelagic squid

Micheli Lab, Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University                                               2008


Deep sea research and squid defenses

UC Berkeley Lawrence Hall of Science, MARE Summer Leadership Institute              2008


Animal adaptations to the deep sea

Camp SEA Lab                                                                                                                              2007



Behavioral ecology, reproductive biology, and public display of an undescribed cirrate octopus                 2015

Cephalopod International Advisory Council                                                                       


Deep-sea squid covert activities…                                                                                                                                  2009



Defensive behavior of a deep-sea squid

American Society of Limnology & Oceanography Conference                                                                                  2007


Posing in the dark: Behavioral components of the deep-sea squid Octopoteuthis deletron

World Congress of Malacology                                                                                                                                        2007


Autotomy as a deep-sea squid defense

Society of Integrative & Comparative Biology Conference                                                                                       2007


Ink release by deep-sea squid

11th International Deep-sea Biology Symposium                                                                                                      2006


Why do deep-sea squids release ink in the dark?

American Malacological Society Conference                                                                                                             2006


How does a midwater squid avoid becoming a sperm whale (or ROV) meal?

MBARI Summer Intern Symposium                                                                                                                           2006


A day in the life of a squid

Bermuda Biological Station for Research Scientific Photography Course Symposium                                   2004


It’s pitch-black down here: Why are the squids still inking?

MBARI Summer Intern Symposium                                                                                                                          2003



Bush, S. L., & B. A. Seibel. Measuring the anaerobic response of the deep-sea mysid

Gnathophausia ingens to low oxygen: Implications for oxygen minimum zone expansion.

5th International Zooplankton Production Symposium. Pucon, Chile                2011


Kaufmann, R. S., Garcia, D. N., Robison, B. R., Sherlock, R. E., Reisenbichler, K. R., Bush, S.

L., Smith, K. L. Jr., Osborn, K. J., & M. S. Lowery. Effects of Free-Drifting Icebergs on the Abundance and Composition of Macrozooplankton and Micronekton Communities in the Southern Ocean.

ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR                                                       2010

Robison, B. H., Sherlock, R. E., Reisenbichler, K. R. & S. L. Bush. In situ studies of the dark ocean: deep pelagic biology and ecology.

ASLO, Aquatice Sciences Meeting, Nice, France                                                    2009



Graduate Student Instructor - Biology & Geomorphology of Tropical Islands, UC Berkeley      2009

Graduate Student Instructor - Invertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley                                                   2006

Graduate Student Instructor - Animal Biology: A Behavioral View, UC Berkeley                          2005

Graduate Student Instructor - General Biology, UC Berkeley                                                            2004, 2005

Teaching Assistant - Oceanography, Three Seas Program, Northeastern University                       2004

Teaching Assistant - Marine Conservation Biology, Three Seas Program, NEU                                2004

Lab Instructor/TA - Marine Biology for Non-Science Majors, Harvard University                          2003



Haley Oleynik – Imaging and Documentation of Pteropod Molluscs at the SI-NMNH           2013



UNOLS Chief Scientist Training Course & Cruise                                           2012

National Science Foundation, Graduate Research Fellowship                     2006-2009

Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor, UC Berkeley                               2007

UC Museum of Paleontology Remington-Kellogg Grant                               2008

Robert and Nancy Beim Field Research Fellowship                                       2008

Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Student Support              2007

Graduate Research Funds, UC Berkeley                                                            2007, 2008, 2009

Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research                                                                  2006

Julius Thomas Hansen Travel Fellowship, UC Berkeley                                2006

Graduate Student Summer Fellowship, UC Berkeley                                     2006, 2007, 2008

Ralph I. Smith Grant for Marine Research, UC Berkeley                              2005

Bermuda Biological Station for Research, Course Scholarship                    2005

Phi Beta Kappa, National Honor Society                                                           inducted 2002

Beta Beta Beta, Biology Honors Society                                                             inducted 2002

Dean’s List, Illinois Wesleyan University                                                          1998-2000, 2001-2002

Golden Key International Honor Society                                                          nominated 2001

Presidential Scholarship, Illinois Wesleyan University                                  1998-2002



Reviewer: Polar Biology, Biology Letters, The Biological Bulletin, Marine Biology, Marine Biology Research, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Oregon Sea Grant

Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence (COSEE)/Ocean Systems and New England Ocean Science Education Collaborative (NEOSEC)

“Strategies for Engaging in Broader Impact Programs” Workshop

Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence (COSEE) - GEARS Workshop



American Academy of Underwater Sciences - Scientific Diver American Malacological Society

American Society of Limnology and Oceanography

Animal Behavior Society

Sigma Xi, Associate Member

Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology



2012 – present Researcher, species delineations and population connectivity in pteropod molluscs Collaborator: Dr. Karen Osborn, SI-NMNH

2004 – present Researcher, deep-sea cephalopod ecology. Collaborator: Dr. Bruce Robison, MBARI

2010 – 2012 Researcher, climate change physiology in deep-sea animals associated with oxygen minimum layers (OMLs) Collaborator: Dr. Brad Seibel, Univ. Rhode Island

2010 – 2012 Researcher, polarization camouflage in cephalopods, part of an Office of Naval

Research MURI grant. PI: Molly Cummings, Univ. Texas, Austin

2007-2009 Researcher, liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy of cephalopod ink.

Collaborator: Dr. Ulla Anderson, University of California, Berkeley

2006 Researcher, animal camouflage. Sulawesi, Papua, and Ambon, Indonesia.

2006 Assistant intern coordinator and researcher, deep-sea squid arm autotomy. Advisor: Dr.

George Matsumoto, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute.

2005 Researcher, stomatopod reaction to squid ink. Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, Coconut Island.

2003 Intern, deep-sea squid ink release. Advisor: Dr. Bruce Robison, Monterey Bay Aquarium

Research Institute.

2003 Researcher, courtship behavior in the Caribbean Reef Squid. Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles.

Collaborator: Dr. Jennifer Mather, University of Lethbridge.

2003 Researcher, heat shock response in anemones. Independent study, Three Seas Program.

Advisor: Dr. Michael Lesser, University of New Hampshire.

2003 Researcher, heterotrophy in corals. Discovery Bay, Jamaica. Independent study, Three Seas

Program. Advisor: Dr. Pete Edmunds, California State University, Northridge.

2002 Researcher, primary productivity. Friday Harbor Laboratories, WA. Independent study, Three Seas Program. Advisor: Dr. Jan Newton, University of Washington.

2002 Researcher, bryozoan natural products. Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Balser, Illinois Wesleyan


2001 Researcher, coral colonization. Orpheus Island Research Station, James Cook University, Australia. Advisor: Dr. Bette Willis, James Cook University.

2001 Research assistant. Orpheus Island Research Station, James Cook University, Australia.



R/V Pt. Lobos, Monterey Bay                                                                     2008 (1 cruise)

R/V Western Flyer, Monterey Bay                                                            2013 (2 cruises)

R/V Rachel Carson, Monterey Bay                                                            2013 – present (17 cruises)



R/V Atlantis, dive to 1444m in DSV Alvin                                               2016

R/V Rachel Carson, Monterey Bay                                                            2013 – present (3 cruises)

R/V Pt. Lobos, Monterey Bay                                                                     2003-2010 (64 cruises)

R/V Western Flyer, Monterey Bay; Oregon; Gulf of California          2003-present (18 cruises)

R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer, Antarctica                                                       2008, 2009

R/V Derek M. Bayliss, Monterey Bay                                                       2006

R/V New Horizon, Gulf of California                                                        2006, 2010, 2011

R/V Pt. Sur, Monterey Bay                                                                          2008

R/V Endeavor, Northwest Atlantic                                                            2011

R/V Kilo Moana, Hawai’i                                                                             2012

FSV Pisces, Northwest Atlantic                                                                  2012

R/V New Horizon, Santa Barbara Basin                                                  2012



Midwater Ecology Expedition: Studying Pteropods                                      2014

Midwater Ecology Expedition: Patience and the Money Shot                         2013*

Midwater Ecology Expedition: Stayin’ Alive!                                                          2013

Gulf of California Expedition: Finding Squid on Cerralvo Bank                                 2012

Gulf of California Expedition: Over Already?                                                          2012

Pacific Northwest Expedition: Setting Sail                                                 2009

Pacific Northwest Expedition: Our First Dive                                                         2009*

Pacific Northwest Expedition: Astoria Canyon                                                        2009

Antarctic Expedition Crew: Research Team                                                            2009

Antarctic Expedition Logbook: A Last Chance for Samples                           2009

Antarctic Expedition Shiplife: Staying Hydated in the Polar Desert                 2009

Antarctic Expedition Shiplife: A Little Good Luck Out Way                                    2009

*authored post



Leachia danae              

Planctoteuthis danae  

Galiteuthis pacifica     



Deep-sea squid H. heteropsis – UC Berkeley, Dept. of Integrative Biology, newsletter cover Deep-sea squid G. phyllura – UC Berkeley, Dept. of Integrative Biology, research pamphlet Antarctic krill – ICEBERG II/Exploratorium Picture of the Day

Squat lobster larva– MBARI Board Meeting Proceedings, cover

Caribbean Reef Squid, Sepioteuthis sepioidea – Byrne et al. 2010, Ferrantia